YOU WANTED THE BEST..YOU GOT THE BEST!! KISSSSSS!!!! So July 13 2009 The Kiss Army made its way back to Montreal for what it seems like the hundredth time. This time was different. Not for the music as it was basically a rehash of all the old classics, but because this time, I was taking my eight year old son Tyler to his first KISS experience. I asked both my boys (Tyler 8 and Brendan 6) if they wanted to go. Tyler jumped at the chance and Brendan thought it would be too loud. Brendan decided he would rather spend a day alone with me at a museum where he will without a doubt teach me a few things!!!
So there I was standing in line over the weekend at a party store buying KISS makeup for the both of us! YES ..Kiss even sells its own line of makeup!!! A bunch of memories flooded my mind as I thought back to my childhood sharing a room with my older brother who is nine years older than me. As kids my age were trying to figure out how to do the moonwalk, well I was rocking it out to KISS, Iron Maiden, Floyd and Zeppelin. Some of my best memories as a child were hanging out in that room blasting the records ( not CDS or MP3 files), pretending I was Gene Simmons or Robert Plant to name a few...It was only fitting than, that all these years later, my brother and his ten year old son Zack would join us for the party...
As my wife painted our faces in between spurts of uncontrollable laughing, the thought rushed over me that I would have to drive from the West Island in makeup!! Nevertheless Sources Blvd will never be the same, and Id like to apologize to the lady in the red van who may still be recovering from shock as she peered over at the car during a stop at a red light...
As we sat at our seats, I could tell Tyler was both excited and anxious. As the lights dimmed, he looked over me with his adorable grin, and I knew we were good..In regular fashion, Kiss was lowered down on a platform and the place erupted...Tyler up on his seat, playing air guitar and ready to roll!!!
Tyler somehow was able to get a nap in for a couple of songs, but was back on his feet when he heard Paul Stanley yell out.." I wanna rock n roll all night and party every day"...There he was, my eight year old belting out the words!!! At one point Tyler asked me to go..I thought he meant home..He told me he wanted to go on stage!!!
Look..I know Kiss has no real musical talent..I also know that they are old enough to be grandparents...But after a pretty rough year for most people, it was a time to just hang out, look like a fool and have some fun...AND FUN WE HAD!
As we got up to leave, I looked over at my brother.. We both smiled and realized our boys were now inducted into the " KISS ARMY"